ISSN (Online) :

 Special Issue on The Sustainable Development Goals

Notice Board

Call For Paper:

Volume. 8 , November ,

Issue 8



Deadline : 

30th  November  2024

Vol. 8,  Special Issue(Bi-yearly)

Imp Links for Reviewer
Invites Proposal for



Abstract: We train the system by giving ittraining examples or as thesystem gets the training examples itself andeventually adjusting the system’sperformance until it gives the exact resultswe want. The system consists ofstacked layers of artificial neurons. Each imageis fed as input layer, whichthen talks to the next layer, until finally theoutput layer is reached. Thefinal results come from the final layer’s output.

The system when given input ofmultiple images labelled as A,it will try to recognize[7] the labelled imageand if the system fails to doso it will learn spontaneously adapting tothe new category and crawl overthe internet, to train itself to the new inputimage. Thus, the system usesdeep strong neural network[6] which is based onInception algorithm version 3which is stacked upon Machine learning programcalled Tensor Flow. The systemwill try to identify whether it isalready trained on the input, if not,the system will train itself byfetching the data from internet and train theneural network to identify themand go through the input data to give the finaloutput.

Keywords: MachineLearning, object recognition, object detection,tensor flow.Abstract: We train the system by giving it training examplesor as thesystem gets the training examples itself and eventually adjusting thesystem’sperformance until it gives the exact results we want. The systemconsists ofstacked layers of artificial neurons. Each image is fed as inputlayer, whichthen talks to the next layer, until finally the output layer isreached. Thefinal results come from the final layer’s output.

The system when given input ofmultiple images labelled as A,it will try to recognize[7] the labelled imageand if the system fails to doso it will learn spontaneously adapting tothe new category and crawl overthe internet, to train itself to the new inputimage. Thus, the system usesdeep strong neural network[6] which is based onInception algorithm version 3which is stacked upon Machine learning programcalled Tensor Flow. The systemwill try to identify whether it isalready trained on the input, if not,the system will train itself byfetching the data from internet and train theneural network to identify themand go through the input data to give the finaloutput.

Keywords: MachineLearning, object recognition, object detection,tensor flow.


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