ISSN (Online) :

 Special Issue on The Sustainable Development Goals

Notice Board

Call For Paper:

Volume. 8 , November ,

Issue 8



Deadline : 

30th  November  2024

Vol. 8,  Special Issue(Bi-yearly)

Imp Links for Reviewer
Invites Proposal for

Call for Conference Proceedings

OAIJSE welcomes conferences to publish their proceedings with OAIJSE Digital Library. This is a free-of-cost service to the scientific community furthering our mission to preserve and disseminate scientific knowledge.

The conference organizers are requested to provide the manuscripts in DOC format to the editor of OAIJSE. The format of the manuscript must comply with the template of OAIJSE. The conference organizers are also requested to submit the review comments and the list of reviewers to OAIJSE along with the set of manuscripts. The manuscripts must be categorized according to the topics addressed by them.

Conferences interested to publish their selected manuscripts with Open Access International Journal of Science & Engineering (OAIJSE) are requested to use the copyright forms and templates provided in the downloads section. Compliance with the documents is a necessity for publication in OAIJSE.

Apply for Publication of Conference Proceeding with OAIJSE

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College/Institute Website :* Conference Website (if any) :
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Peer Review Process

 ICCEME -2024 conference     

Computer Science ,Electronics, Electrical  Engineering Information Technology, Civil, Computer Science and Engineering , Mechanical, Mechanical-Sandwich Petroleum, Production Instrumentation & Control, Automobile ,Chemical, Electronics Instrumentation& Control, Electronics & Telecommunication  Submit paper at

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