Abstract:According to Canalisinvestment firm of Singapore and research firm Gartner by 2017, there will be15.6% Smartphone teenager’s users. The annual growth rate of Smartphone usersin India would be around 129%, even more than that of China (109%).Parentconcern grown about teenager’s addiction of their smart devices and theirsending and receiving age inappropriate content online. The Internet is apowerful learning tool. However, the large scope and anonymous feature of theInternet brings with it risks from unambiguous or inappropriate content topredators lurking in chat rooms and using instant messaging services. One ofthe biggest concerns of parent is that their child must not use the technologyfor destructive things. Giving smart devices to children’s are something thatcan be delayed, but not denied. Lots of parental control applications areavailable but adoption rate of these applications is comparatively low. We haveconducted a structured, qualitative feature analysis of 85 Android mobileapplication designed for the purpose of promoting adolescent online safety. Wefound that the available applications supported parental control throughrestriction and monitoring over teen self-regulation or parental activemediation. These applications can’t make the parent-child relationship positivebecause child is aware of this application and child knows that parents aremonitoring them. Thus the adoption of this application is low. So that parentis seeking for the novel application. As per the parent requirement we proposedmobile application prototype suggesting, alternative designs to keep an eye onchild activity on their smart phones. Parents have to install child applicationon children device. All the child activities log files stored on the webserver. The mostly dialed call, mostly visited sites, child location is minedstored on web server and notification is send on the parent application Parentchild application is communicate through the web service. Child sideapplication is totally hidden from child which make the parent childrelationship strong
Keywords– MobilePlatforms, Smart Phones,RTO, Android, fingerprint, Biometric