ISSN (Online) :

 Special Issue on The Sustainable Development Goals

Notice Board

Call For Paper:

Volume. 8 , November ,

Issue 8



Deadline : 

30th  November  2024

Vol. 8,  Special Issue(Bi-yearly)

Imp Links for Reviewer
Invites Proposal for

IOT Based Railway Track Monitoring System Using Ultrasonic Sensor


Abstract High speed railway hasachieved remarkable development in China and safety monitoring of high speedrailway is becoming an important research .Man has been developing various methods to protect himself from naturalcalamities since ages. The only scientific solution to natural calamities isdevelopment of systems to predict, detect and take preventive measures usingrecent advancement in technology. Along the highly landslide prone Konkanrailway line, many people have lost their lives due to landslides. It is nowhigh time to replace the present obsolete manual detection systems deployedalong this line. Development of high-speed railroad transport in Russia imposes strict requirements tothe railway flaw detection systems. Most of all those requirements apply to themeasurement of dynamic interaction between the rail car and the railway.Raspberry Pi is used to control all the operations. The system is based on theprinciple of IOT. Location is tracked by using GPS Module. Currently railwaytrack inspection and monitoring is done manually which is time taking and notaccurate, due to the high chance of human error occurrence. Moreover,practically it is impossible to inspect and monitor the railway track manuallyas they run thousands of miles. To avoid this we propose a prototype system,designed for continuous monitoring of railway tracks using a combination ofsensors. These sensors collect data and through computational analysis faultsin the railway tracks are identified. The collected data can help in findingcracks in the tracks and catastrophic accidents can be avoided.

Keywords— Raspberry Pi, IOT, Webcam Monitoring,GPS(Global Positioning System)

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