Abstract: Use of Smartphone is increasing dayby day and is very effective tools for increasing computational power andsecurity along with search and rescue. The aim of this project is to track theemployee and monitor the employee activity in company by their office cellphone and improve the growth of the company by securing company data. In thisproject, we discuss about the design and implementing admin, employeeapplication and Centralized server for monitoring employees of the companyusing android by separating corporate and personal data. In this project weprovide different security profile on same smart phone. In this system we areusing dynamic database utility which retrieves data or information fromcentralized database. We also provide separate mode to employee when he enterscompany premises. Through smart phones all information about the employee phonelike their SMS history, Incoming calls, Outgoing calls, Employee Locations,Data usage, Web browser history, and Unauthorized Call History details aretracked. The necessary condition is that Employees should have the Androidphone whereas Manager Activities are also monitored. This system increasesaccuracy in managing employees, manager and company data; avoid the unnecessaryuse of company phones which are provided to the Employee for their office useonly and save the time of manager. Manager can monitor their Employees throughmobile phones and know the employee behavior. Thus unnecessary wastage of timeand money of company is avoided and it helps to protect trade secrets and avoidlegal liability.
Keywords— AndroidOperating System, Tracking System, Employee, JAVA programming and SQLite database.