Abstract: Human assistance is still required forunit reading from energy meter to record the units from the houses. Theconsumers do not know the accuracy of the power used and they have to wait forthe bill to make the payments. The meter value is prone to human errors andhence the value of meter may not be very accurate. In the proposed system aninterface is done between the microcontroller and the energy meter for gettingthe units and also the details using GSM Technology. This project is furtherenhanced to execute logical functions, store data in SQL database, send monthlybill to consumer cell phone number and remotely disconnecting the electricityfor non-payment of bill and remotely reconnecting immediately after payment.
Keywords: MicrocontrollerPIC1, GSM Module, Relational database model, PCB design and layout , Wirelessdevice ,Database query processing, Structured Query Language, Embedded software.