Abstract: Web forums like Stack overflow,Yahoo Answer and Quora comes under community question answering system
(CQA)are gaining popularity. CQA archives of previously asked questions and theiranswers, this means that one can freely ask any question on web forums andexpect some good, honest answers. On other side, it takes effort to go throughall possible answers of search question and to make sense of them but thisprocess take too much time like popular question to have hundreds of answers,and it is very time-consuming for a user to inspect them all. To resolve thisproblem thus system mainly works on ranking of QA pairs and online forum. ThisQA pairs are ranked by fine grained and QA forwarding technique. This techniqueranks based on rating given by common user. This technique explicitly capturesrelationships between questions and their best answers by modeling topicaldependencies. In some of condition unsatisfied answers on system resolved byonline forum system with direct communication. In QA system not only user canpost question and answer, but also it can correct spell at the time of postingquestion and answer, this system used fuzzy spell check API.
Keywords: CQA, Fuzzy spell check API, finegrained and QA forwarding, online forum