Abstract:In today’s world Automatic systems are being preferred over manualsystems. The rapid increase in the number of users of internet over the pastdecade has made Internet a part and parcel of lives. The Internet of Things(IOT) is the inter-networking of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and otheritems that is embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, andnetwork connectivity that enable the devices to collect and exchange data. IoT isthe latest and emerging internet technology and is a growing network ofeveryday object from industrial machine to consumer goods that can shareinformation and complete tasks from a remote location. WirelessHome Automation system (WHAS) using IoT is a system that uses computers ormobile devices to monitor basic home functions and these functions can becontrolled through the internet from anywhere around the world. An automatedhome is called as a smart home. It is meant to save the electric power andhuman energy.
Keywords:Internet of things (IOT),Wireless Home Automationsystem(WHAS) Cloud networking ,Wi-Fi, Arduino mega 2560, TransceiverESP8266,Relay and Sensors.