ABSTRACT: Blood is an important constituent of human body. Timelyavailability of quality blood is a crucial requirement for sustaining thehealthcare services. In the hospital, in most of the cases, when blood isrequired, could not be provided on time causing unpleasant things. Though donoris available in the hospital, patient is unaware of it, and so is donor. Toresolve this, a communication between hospital, blood bank, donor, and receptoris important. The system listed with following forecasting on price variationsand stock handling, increase in number of blood type, increase in humanaccident Infrastructure, blood on various category to be managed. So we solvethe problem using the android application. The system will make sure that incase of need, the blood will be made available to the patient. There will beandroid app to make this communication faster. It aims to create an informationabout the donor and organization that are related to donating the blood. Themethodology used to build this system uses GPS. The Proposed system will beused in Blood banks, Hospitals, for Donors and Requester whoever registers tothe system.
KEYWORDS: Cloud Computing, GPS, Google CloudMessaging, Clustering.