Abstract: In this paper, a detailed study has beenperformed to investigate the temperature effect of drain current, threshold,transconductance and sub-threshold leakage current of 7nm MOSFET. To executethis study, simulations were carried out using HSPICE simulator. Investigationof temperature effect ranging from -60 to 20˚C was carried out throughout thestudy. The performance of MOSFET was estimated through drain current, thresholdvoltage, and transconductance and sub-threshold leakage current. Lineardecrease in drain current and threshold voltage with increase in temperaturewas observed. Lowering the temperature,the current of MOSFET raises because of mobility of electrons & holesincreased. HSPICE is friendly software which helps to successful process ofimplementation and data extraction.
Keywords: BISM,Threshold Voltage, Sub-threshold leakage current, Transconductance and HSPICE.