Abstract:The sensors were designed to be capable of detecting objects and its postion a fewcentimetres away from the end. They are also used as feedback devices in speedmeasuring devices. Proximity switches are electronic sensors. They normally have three electrical contacts. One contactfor supply voltage , other for ground and third for output signal. In thesesensors, no movable contact is switched. Instead, the output is eitherelectrically connected to supply voltage or to ground. Adrawback to older electric action organs was the large amount of wiringrequired for operation. With each signal cable being wired, the transmissioncable could easily contain several hundred wires. The great number of wiresrequired between the field input and controller output, the banks of relays andthe organ itself, with each solenoid requiring its own signal wire, made thesituation worse, especially if a wire was broken which made tracing the breakvery difficult. These problems increased with the size of the system, and itwould not be unusual for a particular organ to contain over a hundred meters ofwiring. This problem solved due to wireless transmission of signal. This is theyounger of the two and could still be in the debugging and growth stages of itsevolution. The main benefit of this type of connection is the comfort andconvenience it provides. Another thing about wireless connections is that itdoesn’t have to originate within the small or large machine size. This resench collaborative makes the best effectiveuse of sensors and wireless communication.
Keywords: Proximity switches, Wireless SensorNetworks, Industrial Operations.