Abstract: Cloud computing is evolving andconsidered next generation architecture for computing. Typically cloudcomputing is a combination of computing recourses accessible via internet.Historically the client or organizations store data in data centres withfirewall and other security techniques used to protect data against intrudes toaccess the data. However in cloud computing, since the data is stored anywhereacross the globe, the client organizations have less control over the storeddata. To build the trust for the growth of cloud computing the cloud providersmust protect the user’s data from unauthorized access and disclosure. Toachieve data security over cloud computing, one technique could be encrypting thedata on client side before storing it in cloud storage. In addition to thatcould be computing hash of data and verifying integrity of data by same cloudstorage provider or other trusted third party. The main purpose of this projectis, to achieve data security in terms of data correctness through remoteauditing mechanism. This project proposes a solution in order to eliminate orreduce data integrity problems. The solution proposed is to provide dataauditing with privacy preserving. System is implemented using two levels ofsecurity (RSA and AES Encryption) technique and integrated with Message DigestAuthentication. This technique is applied to the cloud to ensure datacorrectness.
Keywords:CloudComputing, confidentiality, integrity, Cloud storage, privacy preserving,authenticator regeneration.