Abstract: Iron ore is the most importantmetal in this Industrial age. It occurs all over the world, majorly it occursin USA, Australia, Russia, Chile, Venuzula and India. In India, it occurs asbanded ferruginous fromations, sedimentary iron-ores of sideritic or limonitic,lateritic iron-ore, titaniferous and vanadiferous magnetites, fault and fissurefillings of hematite. In India Iron ore occurs in five major states of Karnataka,Goa, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand and minorly in Andhra Pradesh, UttarPradesh, Assam etc.. Production of Iron ore in India is carried out indifferent grades as lumps (high, low grades), fines (high and low grades),beneficial grade of Hematite and metallurgical, coal washery of Magnetiteetc..production is carried out by public and private sectors like NationalMineral Development Corporation, Steel Authority of India, Tata Steel Ltdetc..production in India is undulating over the years but from last 4 years itsproduction is increasing to meet its demand to the industries and consumptionof Iron Ore in India increases at a maximum rate majorly in steel and otherindustries. India produces 192.08 million tonnes (as per 2017) and havingreserves of 28.52 billion tonnes for the future.
Keywords: Iron Ore, Occurrence, Distribution,Production, Reserves, Resources, Future.