Abstract- Atrademark is a mark that you can use to recognize your business products orservices from those of other vendors. It can be represented graphically in theform of any Symbol, logo, words etc. so, they need to be protection. Theconceptual similarities among trademarks, which happens when more than two ormore trademark similar. Trademarks are possessory words and images with highreputation they are main assets, often used as a application, which needinfringement protection. The problems considered until infringement cases isthe aspects, hypothetic and phonetic similarity of various trademarks. Thispaper focuses on important aspect by proposing a conceptual similarity oftrademarks that can be provide distance computation and suggestions of inputretrieving conceptually similar trademarks. The search and indexing techniquedeveloped uses similarity distance, which is derived using of similaritytrademark. Propose a computational approach based on semantics that can be usedto suggest the input of trademarks for conceptual similarity and to avoid theadditional cost of protection to future infringement. A trademark retrievalsystem is performing with the massive number of semantic trademark of theconceptual similarity.
Keywords: Conceptual similarity, trademarkinfringement, trademark retrieval, trademark similarity.