Abstract: Authenticationdependent on passwords is utilized generally in applications for PC securityand protection. In any case, human activities such a picking incorrectlypasswords and inputted passwords in not secure way are viewed as" theweakest connection" in the validation chain. Otherwise self-assertivealphanumeric character, clients have a tendency to choose a secret word eithershort or his name related for simple memorization. With site applications andcell phone applications energizing, people groups can get to these kind of usewhenever and anyplace with numerous gadgets. This advancement brings greataccommodation yet in addition enhances the probability of presenting passwordsto shoulder surfing attacks. Attackers can watch specifically or utilize outeraccount gadgets to gather clients' credentials. To come this issue, This paperpresents a novel authentication framework Pass Matrix, based on graphicalpasswords to oppose shoulder surfing attacks. Numerous authenticationstrategies are displayed, however clients know about textual passwordtechnique. Textual password techniques are powerless against shoulder surfingand key loggers. To come this issue numerous other authentication frameworklike token based authentication, biometric bases authentication frameworks,graphical password strategies have been presented. Anyway biometric basesauthentication frameworks are expensive and graphical password frameworks arenot excessively secure and proficient.
KEYWORDS: Graphical Passwords,Authentication, Shoulder Surfing Attack.