Abstract: Nowa day in metropolitan cities air and noise pollution becomes serious issues,due to high decibels and toxic gases present in the environment which directlyeffect on humans health and thus needs a special attention. Therefore, it hasnow become necessary to control the pollution (air and noise) to ensure healthylivelihood and better future. In this paper, an effective implementation forInternet of Things is used for monitoring atmospheric conditions of environmentlike air pollution and sound pollution. This paper presents a conceptual architecturefor a versatile, flexible and cost efficient for monitoring the air and soundquality of a particular site. We propose an air quality as well as soundpollution monitoring system that allows us to monitor and check live airquality as well as sound pollution in an area through IOT. System uses airsensors to sense presence of harmful gases /compounds in the air and constantlytransmit this data. Also, system keeps measuring sound level and reports it.
Keywords: Sound level, Gases, IOT,Pollution, Sensor