Abstract: In the present paper, we havereported the room temperature growth of bismuth sulphide (Bi2S3)thin films by dip method and detailed characterization of these films. The filmswere deposited from a reaction bath containing bismuth nitrate, glycine andsodium thiosulphate. We have analyzed the structure, morphology, composition,X- ray diffraction pattern, showed that the film werepolycrystalline. The scanning electron micrograph of Bi2S3thin film on glass substrate showed that sample contains many rods,they are formed in thin rope shape, the rods show no alignment and dispersedlydistributed, but their diameter and lengths are rather uniform, elemental compositionwas performed by EDAX, the atom ratios of Bi and S are 2:3 according to EDAX.
Keywords: Bi2S3,thin films, Annealing effect, X-ray,EDAX