ISSN (Online) :

 Special Issue on The Sustainable Development Goals

Notice Board

Call For Paper:

Volume. 8 , November ,

Issue 8



Deadline : 

30th  November  2024

Vol. 8,  Special Issue(Bi-yearly)

Imp Links for Reviewer
Invites Proposal for



Abstract:Thiswork is to focus whether using smart-phone sensor/app data is helpful forsecret-question based secondary authentication and visual cryptography system.In visual cryptography image is divided into two parts one part is saved indatabase and another part send to user, Password recovery time user uploadimage and system compare both the images and recover the user password. Peoplelike students have the necessary experience on setting and answering secretquestions and they use smart-phones and online tools every day. At present withincreasing popularity of online shopping Debit or Credit card fraud. Personalinformation security is major concerns for customers, merchants and banksspecifically in the case of Card Not Present. Many web applications providesecondary authentication methods i.e., secret questions (or password recoveryquestions), to reset the account password when a users login fails. Today’sprevalence of smart phones has granted us new opportunities to observe andunderstand how the personal data collected by smart phone sensors and apps canhelp create personalized secret questions without violating the users privacyconcerns. The system present a Secret-Question based Authentication system,called “Secret- QA” that creates a set of secret questions on the basis ofpeoples smart phone usage. Develop a prototype on Android smart phones, andevaluate the security of the secret questions by asking theacquaintance/stranger who participate in our user study to guess the answerswith and without the help of online tools meanwhile observe the questionsreliability by asking participants to answer their own questions.

Keywords:security,smart phone, secret question.

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