Abstract:Recent researches hypothetically showed the potential of Internet ofThings (IOT) to change major industries for a better world, which includes itsimpact towards the agriculture industry. The farming yield prediction is thehardest task for agriculture offices over the globe. The farming yield reliesupon different components. Especially nations like India, greater part ofagriculture development relies upon downpour water, which is profoundlyunpredictable. Agriculture development relies upon various parameters, inparticular Water, Nitrogen, Weather, Soil attributes, Crop rotation, Soilmoisture, and Surface temperature and Rain water and so on. In the past, yieldprediction was performed by considering farmer's experience on particular fieldand crop. This research focuses on creation of a prediction model which may beused to future prediction of crop yield.
Proposed framework is architected and intended toimprove the effectiveness of agribusiness, fabricate a very much associatedcultivating system and make an information sharing stage for farmers. In a moredrawn out run, system will address two key issues tormenting farming in India –reaping water and groundwater, and foreseeing compelling usage of theequivalent. Primary point of this work to trim advancement at low amount waterutilization, In request to concentrate on water accessible to the plants at therequired time, for that reason the majority of the farmers squander parcel timein the fields. A proficient administration of water ought to be created and theframework circuit multifaceted nature to be diminished. The proposed frameworkcreated on the data sent from the sensors and gauge the amount of waterrequired. In this paper, the hardware and software of the IOT for smart farmingwill be presented besides sharing the successful results.
Keywords: IOT, WIFI Module, Arduino, Irrigation, FarmMonitoring, Android App, Prediction, Soil fertility analysis.