Abstract: The proposed models are based on the well-known Apriori algorithm and the MapReduce framework. The
proposed algorithms are divided into three main groups. Two algorithms Apriori MapReduce (AprioriMR) and iterative
AprioriMR (IAprioriMR) are properly designed to extract patterns in large datasets. These algorithms extract any
existing item-set in data regardless their frequency[2]. Pruning the search space by means of the antimonotone property.
Two additional algorithms space pruning AprioriMR (SPAprioriMR) and top AprioriMR (TopAprioriMR) are proposed
with the aim of discovering any frequent pattern available in data. Maximal frequent patterns[5]. A last algorithm
maximal AprioriMR (MaxAprioriMR) is also proposed for mining condensed representations of frequent patterns [3],
i.e., frequent patterns with no frequent supersets.
Keywords: Big Data, Hadoop, Data Mining