Abstract: : Blind stick is an innovative stick designed for visually disabled people for improved navigation. We here
propose an advanced blind stick that allows visually challenged people to navigate with ease using advanced technology.
The blind stick is integrated with ultrasonic sensor along with light and panic button. Our proposed project first uses
ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles ahead using ultrasonic waves. On sensing obstacles the sensor passes this data to the
microcontroller. The microcontroller then processes this data and calculates if the obstacle is close enough. If the obstacle
is not that close the circuit does nothing. If the obstacle is close the microcontroller sends a signal to sound a buzzer or
vibrate the stick. One more feature is that it allows the blind to detect if there is light or darkness in the room.IR sensors
are also embed to this system to detect stairs of lower ground area. Thus this system allows obstacle detection as well as
has panic button in case of any emergency which will send the current location to the server
Keyword: Blind Stick, NodeMCU Microcontroller, IOT interface, GPS Technology, Ultrasonic Sensor, Server