ABSTRACT: Cloud computing are more popular for storinginformation by using storing statistics. By storing data into the cloud savethe economical funds and gives the great flexibility. Data safety is the mostchallenging for the researchers. Confidential information must be encodedbefore outsourcing the data. Hierarchical clustering method presented in thispaper used to the privacy preserving powerful search over encoded cloud data.This search over outsourced information, security is considered as a userrevocation approach. Another more important component of this framework is thedata duplication and it checking using SHA1 hashing strategy. Strategy will notallow saving the replica data at cloud server. EM clustering uses forclustering process and compare the EM clustering algorithm with K-meansclustering algorithm. Experimental results state that the framework has variousadvantages like time utilization, efficient, easy and statistics duplication checking.
Keywords- Cloud computing, cipher text search, ranked search,multi-keyword search, hierarchical clustering, big data, and security.