Abstract: The prime intention of the study is to discover and identify challenges confronted by teachers in handling students
with Intellectual disabilities inclusive classrooms settings. Inclusive education is an approach to mark education a universal
right to all irrespective of any disability within the learner and to sustain equity in the society. In modern days in the inclusive
classroom settings lacks of well-qualified educators, good infrastructural facilities, curriculum strategies, assets and policies
are creating hurdles for the innovative development of inclusive education in India. Inclusive education is considered as a
comprehensive model that encounters all learners. Therefore, it is necessary to look into the challenges and difficulties the
schools face in providing educational services to the SwIDs in the inclusive classroom settings. Inclusive education is a
system of education for all; it is challenging teachers to manage SwIDs in their classrooms to work for progress of their
learning. The paper also highlights the important role of teachers to face the challenges through new techniques and means
to improve the teaching and learning in inclusive classroom settings. The important challenges faced by teachers in handling
students with intellectual disabilities are lack of competent teachers, insufficient teaching learning resources, lack of proper
infrastructural services, discrimination among students, lack of collaboration among parents and teachers, unclear inclusive
education policies and attitudinal problems etc. Here the authors recommend some measures to overcome the challenges by
improving facilities and resources and to revising the curriculum to be more flexible to provide the needs of SwID in an
inclusive classroom setting.
Keywords: Inclusive Education, Intellectual Disability, Challenges, Inclusive Classroom