Abstract: Stroke rehabilitation requires repetitive,intensive, goal-oriented therapy. Virtual reality has the potential to satisfythese requirements. Game-based therapy can promote patients engagement inrehabilitation therapy as a more interesting and a motivating tool. This reviewdescribes the development of virtual reality for rehabilitation purpose. Themain objective is to develop virtual reality applications for post-strokerehabilitation. There are two applications that have been developed to servemotor dysfunction and balance impairment. The main technology employed isimmersive virtual reality and Kinect based rehabilitation gaming system.Virtual reality is commonly used in clinical rehabilitation, and commercial VRgaming systems may have mixed effects in patients with stroke. Therefore, atask-specific interactive game-based VR system for post-stroke rehabilitationof the upper extremities, and assessed its usability and clinical efficacy. Theuse of VR headset enables an individual to expose the three-dimensional virtualenvironment. Then, the immersive virtual reality is capable to offer mirrortherapy in post-stroke rehabilitation and thus aids in recovery.
Keywords: Virtual reality, stoke-rehabilitation, Kinectbased, video gaming, Goal oriented therapy.