Abstract:Water is a basic need for all living beings, the increase in water pollution inthe form to waste debris is hampering the life of the aquatic animal and has ahuge impact on the environment. This project emphasis on design andmanufacturing of Semi-automatic robot for cleaning of floating waste on thesurface of water bodies. The work has been done looking at the currentsituation of our national lakes, rivers and ponds which are dump with sewageand loaded with pollutants, toxic materials, debris etc. The government ofIndia has initiated projects to clean rivers and has invested huge capital inmany rivers cleaning projects like Namami Gange, Narmada Bachao and many major& medium projects. Considering this, this robot has been designed to cleanfloating waste on the water surface of lakes & ponds. The conveyormechanism of the robot collects the waste which floats on water bodies and thecollected waste can be easily stored and further disposed of by the robot. Therobot cleans wastes found such as plastic wastes, garlands, bottles and otherwastes found floating on water. A robot will lift the waste surface debris fromthe water bodies, this will ultimately result in the reduction of waterpollution and lastly, the aquatic animal's death to these problems will bereduced.
Thus,the project will reduce the risk involved in manual cleaning, increase theproductivity of workers, generate an efficient way to control the floatingwaste on the surface of water bodies and reduce the strain on the environmentand marine life.
Keywords-Semi-Automatic robot ,Floating Waste, Namami-Gange, Water, Pollution