Abstract: Sincethe Doctors are very busy people, they need productivity/performance enhancingtool that will assist them in their daily multitasking and other jobs. For this purpose, We has included Six specialmini applets that would be permanently displayed as a transparent sidebar similar to the Gadget sidebar of Windows 7. It would contain user friendly icons and extremely simpleinterface that will help the doctor toperform quick calculations, glance at the current weather situation, perform aVoice or Video recording(V.R), Fix or View appointment, a one touch webbrowser, a disease reporter(D.R) and finally a patient tracker. According to the research done while performing SRS andfeasibility study we arrived at the conclusion that these are the Six mostwanted apps by most doctor and accordingly this is the project that we now submit. Effective doctor-patientcommunication is a central clinical function in building a therapeuticdoctor-patient relationship, which is the heart and art of medicine. This isimportant in the delivery of high-quality health care. Much patientdissatisfaction and many complaints are due to breakdown in the doctor-patientrelationship. However, many doctors tend to overestimate their ability incommunication. Over the years, much has been published in the literature onthis important topic. We review the literature on doctor-patient communication.
Keywords: DoctorGadget (D.G), Software resource System (SRS), Voice or video recording (V.R),Disease reporter (D.R), Feasibility.