Abstract:These days each study is giving emphasis in its applied aspect. In this respectthe application of fluvial geomorphology in resource management is essential.Dying river and flood prone areas are common features present in deltaic tractsof river; the changing nature of decaying rivers has important effect upon thecultural landscape. Land utilization changes and population dynamics accompany.Changes happen in floodplains and in deltas. Such areas have greaterconcentration of population. Therefore, any change in the natural aspect willhave important effects on human activities. Rivers, which were once large andnavigable, undergo silting up and decay. With time, they degenerate intoinsignificant streams. Ports may have developed along them in the past. Riverwater may have been utilized for agriculture. Hence population may haveconcentrated along them. But, with the decay of such rivers, ports disappeared,agriculture declined in importance and the tendency to attract populationdecrease. The inter riverine tracts are not build up. So they decay to formlow-lying flood prone tracts. Water logging becomes constant problem.Considering all these facts the present research has been organized on SaraSwati River, West Bengal
Keywords: River system, Micro level analysis ofDevanandapur mouza, change in river morphology, Problem aspect,Management aspect.