Abstract: Waste can be universally portrayed as athing, material or substance that is produced by an individual and consideredundesirable or futile and to be disposed of at a specific time and place by theindividual that has keeping of it and incorporates solids, fluids and gases(Medcities, 2003, Mugambwa, 2009). Although, notwithstanding contemplations ofpermitted nature and geological area of generation, various descriptions ofwaste exist dependent on conditions under which they happen (Williams, 2005).The number of wastes positive as microbial habitats and their incubation variedamong the types of household wastes and its treatment with reference topandemic outbreak. ‘Household clinical wastes’ are main part of waste duringpandemic. Used masks, other disposables like gloves, wound dressings etc.Inferable from resistibility and moderate degradability that represents higherhabitation time, these materials qualify as potential perilous wastes. Seasonalchanges accompanied by pandemic especially rain water allows these wastes toframe a breeding biotope for the reproducing of various vector parasites andcross contamination. Waste management is a basic ecological and human healthchallenge in developing nations especially during seasonal outbreaks andpandemic period. The waste disposals in developing nations during seasonaldisasters and pandemics have been ascribed to the difficulties presented bywaste management in many developing nations with high inhabitation. Thecondition of waste generation in developing nations during pandemics appearsnot to be efficient in collection and secure dispose of wastes, inside theirpurview. In any developing nation, the dangers presented by misguided treatmentand removal of wastes (however regularly overlooked) add to the elevated levelof mortality and horribleness (Medina, 2002). Human and environment wellbeingis likewise undermined because of inappropriate treatment of wastes especiallyduring and post-epidemic period.
Keywords: Pandemic,COVID-19, Household, medical solid waste, sustainable solid waste management