Abstract:With the improvement of sharing economy,crowdsourcing as a disseminated registering worldview has become progressivelyunavoidable. As one of key administrations for most crowdsourcing applications,task coordinating has likewise been broadly investigated. Be that as it may,privacy issues are generally overlooked during the assignment coordinating andy existing privacy-preserving crowdsourcing systems can at the same time secureboth task privacy and laborer privacy. This paper efficiently breaks down theprivacy holes and potential dangers in the assignment coordinating and proposesa solitary watchword task coordinating plan for themulti-requester/multi-specialist crowdsourcing with proficient specialistrenouncement. The proposed plan not just secures information classification andpersonality obscurity against the group server, yet in addition accomplishesinquiry discernibility against exploitative or disavowed laborers. Point by pointprivacy examination and exhaustive execution assessment show that the proposedplan is secure and possible
Keywords: — Crowdsourcing,task matching, privacy, anonymity, revocation, traceability.