Abstract: The pressure vessel is one of a large number of plant components for which stress analyses must be performed. A
pressure vessel is a container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different from the ambient pressure.
This Project deals with the Finite element analysis of Pressure vessels with different type of heads keeping the same
cylindrical volume and thickness. The desired pressure vessel is designed as per ASME standard section VIII, division I for 8
bar pressure and 24 lit volume. Thus some end connections are tested under FEA for the cause of finding stress
concentration zone in each type of pressure vessel head under the same volume and sane pressure. The aim of the project is
different designs and static and thermal analysis using ansys software of describes, flat head and elliptical head pressure
vessel has low stresses distributed as compare to other heads, so for most applications elliptical heads selected. It shows basic
structure and the finite element modeling for analyzing the pressure vessels with different type of heads and different
materials like Nimonic 80A, SA516 Gr70 also under high stress zones. In this project we are working on approximate stresses
that exist in cylindrical pressure vessels supported on two saddles support are calculated under the different type of end
connections by using Finite Element tool. Static structural analysis and thermal analysis is done in order to calculate stresses
in vessel finally concluded the suitable design and material.
Keyword: Pressure Vessel, End connections, Stress analysis, steady state thermal.