Abstract: Asteam turbine is mechanical device which converts thermal energy of steam intomechanical work. The steam turbine gives the better thermodynamic efficiency byusing compound stages in the expansion of steam. The stages are characterizedby the way of energy extraction from them is considered as impulse or reactionturbines.
In thepresent work the first stage rotor blade of a two-stage Steam turbine has beenanalyzed for structural, thermal using ANSYS 15, which is a powerful FiniteElement Software. In the process ofgetting the static and thermal stresses, the fatigue life in the rotor bladehas been improved using this software
The firststage rotor blade of the Steam turbine has been analyzed for the static andthermal stresses resulting from the tangential, axial and centrifugal forces.The Steam forces namely tangential, axial were determined by constructingvelocity triangles at inlet and exist of rotor blades. The rotor blade was thenanalyzed for the temperature distribution. For obtaining temperaturedistribution, the convective heat transfer coefficients on the blade surfaceexposed to the Steam have to feed to the software. After containing thetemperature distribution, the rotor blade was then analyzed for the combinedmechanical and thermal stresses . The aim of the project is to increase thelife steam turbine blade using different materials designwith( 2mm,3mm4mm) andwith out holes of steam turbine blade using catia software with and withoutholes and analysis by using ansys software we preferred two types of analysisstructural and thermal analysis in structural analysis find out stress andstrain and in thermal point of view find out temperature distribution and totalheatflux choosing three materials they are Nimonic 80A, haste alloy , inconel600 taking two designs without holes and with holes finally concluded thesuitable design and material of the steam turbine blade based on results.
Keyword : Steam Turbine, ThermalEnergy, Impulse Turbine, Reaction Turbine, Static Analysis, Thermal Analysis