Abstract: In developing country like India development hasgot direct link with rapid urbanization. As per present assessment India’spopulation will be about 600 million by 2030, which will be about two times ofUS population. This increase in population will create lot of imbalance inurban infrastructure, unless some innovative solution is evolved for long termsustainability. The strategies considering green building concept can beevolved for sustainable cities and towns. It is a fact that way in which arepopulation growth is taking place, the natural resources of the world isnearing to a breaking point. The real challenges is Global warming, pollutionof air, degradation of land, scarcity of fresh water, overall shortage of foodand bio-biodiversity is getting reduced,which are the real issues to beencountered. Recently smart city concept is gaining ground world-wide. In smartcity concept sustaining water, energy and management of waste includingrestricting greenhouse emissions will be major priority areas. All these aredeliberated for smart cities being planned in India. We can formulate ourpolicies based on various experiences gained by advanced countries whilecarrying out planning/execution of their smart cities.
Keywords – SmartBuilding, Environment, Sustainability, WTE, Global warming.