Abstract:Plastics bags are permanently damaging the ecology.Yet, people continue to use them, as they are durable and inexpensive.Moreover, they are habitually using plastic bags. Government andnon-governmental agencies have tried discouraging their use by imposing bansand running ‘say no to plastic bags’ campaigns for educating public about theirharmful effect on the environment and promoting biodegradable carry-bags. Butall that proved ineffective in curbing the menace of plastic bags. Hence, the campaignto encourage people to shun plastic bags needs to bring an attitudinal shift inthe public, so that they wilfully accept biodegradable carry bags. The purposeof the study was to redesign the‘say no to plastic bags’ campaign using social marketing strategy and promotebiodegradable carry-bags in Delhi. Pushkar(Rajasthan) was the model study area for the purposes of research. The outcomesof the study proved that legal orders and bans are not effective in long run,until the stakeholders are convinced about the need for shifting tobiodegradable bags from plastic bags. A lasting solution to plastic bag menacerequires that the stakeholders’ behaviour and attitude towards plastic bagschanges permanently and they adopt the biodegradable carry bags. 250 Respondents from Delhi and adjacent cities, were probed aboutthe factors which motivate them to take-up biodegradable bags and the factorswhich prevent them from doing so. Besidethe monetary reasons, there are non-monetary or psychological reasons which actas deterrents, like – unsuitability of biodegradable bags for the wet product;fear of breakage or durability issues; and the additional cost burden – are theprominent deterrents in the path of acceptance of biodegradable bags as analternative to plastic bags. Hence, there is a need to re-design the campaignusing a social marketing strategy, with an equal emphasis placed on eight Ps ofmarketing-mix. A campaign designed insuch a way have greater chances of success in bringing a permanent behaviouralchange among people towards acceptance of biodegradable carry-bags.
Keywords – Marketing-Mix, SocialMarketing, Attitudinal Change, Psychological Fears or Non-monetary Price,Stakeholders, Behavioral Change.