Abstract: Shelter is one of the basic needs of human being. But more than 80 developing countries in the world suffer from housing shortages resulting from population growth, internal migration, war, natural disaster, to mention a few. Housing units constructed using ferrocement panel (bamboo mesh) produced with mortar mixes. This will definitely prove to be economical and safe. This research is to conduct a study on flexural and bending behaviour of ferrocement panels and also on strength. Ferrocement is such a material that is slim and slender but at the same time strong and elegant which provides a potential solution to the above problem. Ferrocement has a very high tensile strength-to-weight ratio and superior cracking behaviour in comparison to conventional reinforced concrete. This means that thin ferrocement structures can be made relatively light and watertight. Hence, ferrocement is an attractive material for the construction of prefabricated housing units. An efficient and eco-balancing revolution of ferrocement technology has been developed, which overcomes the drawbacks of the traditional methods. The results obtained from the experimental study shows that bamboo mesh strength near the strength of tor steel. Study the flexure and bending behaviour of ferrocement panels from which the bamboo mesh panels strength near to the strength of tor mesh panels. Find out the flexure and bending ultimate load for varying fly ash, sodium hydroxide &sodium silicate. From the ultimate load for bending and flexure for 10-100% fly ash, for 50% fly ash re-place as cement which gives the maximum load hence optimum value of fly ash for bamboo meshes 50%.Phenolphthalein used for carbonation test. Concrete panel it shows light pink colour. Various methods exist for inhibiting corrosion. But yet a permanent solution for corrosion is not prescribed as far as ferrocement technology is concerned. Fulfill the demand of low cost houses by replacing cement as fly ash & steel as bamboo Keywords: Metakaolin, Geopolymer , Concrete, Elevated Temperature