Abstract: Blockchain technology has gained widespread acceptance and importance within the previous couple of years.Implemented in numerous areas of applications like social, legal industries, finance and supply chain networks. Thistechnology assures immutability and integrity of information without the requirement of third party. In addition, blockchaintechnology could guarantee a transparent and decentralized transaction system in business industry. Handling an effectivesupply chain is not an easy task. For any business to be an effective one of the most important part is customer satisfaction.The customer needs more transparency, accurate traceability of the product, detailed information about the product. We explore how this technology can be used in the supply chain to make it more effective and suggest a blockchain-based supply chain management tool. To increase security, one of the most effective permissioned blockchain solutions is Hyperledger Fabric. In this, network participation is controlled by predefined rules. This feature makes this technology more effective than othertechnologies.Keywords: Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Docker composer, Docker, Smart contracts