Abstract: Paper introduces a system that provides a platform for a consumer to monitor the meter reading via "ThingSpeak" and controls the energy consumption, it will also support keeping the track of energy meter reading. This systemhelps us to reduce turmoils and energy-related dissent. The system is implemented using an Atmega328P microcontrollerand ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. This system do not require the restoration of the energy meter but we associate this systemwith the installed energy meter that benefits the consumer, the base for designing and implementing a system is IoT(Internet of Things). The instantaneous data will be fetched from the meter. In this paper, the idea of a smart energymeter using IoT and Arduino has been introduced. In this design we are using Arduino because it is suitable in otherwords it consumes less power, it is the fastest, and has two UARTS. In this paper, energy meters that are already installedat our houses are not replaced, but a little alteration on the already installed energy meters can swap the existing metersinto smart energy meters. The use of the GSM module provides a feature of notification through SMS. One can easilyaccess the meter working through the web page that we designed. Current reading with cost can be seen on the web page.Automated ON & OFF of energy meter is obtainable. Threshold value setting and mailing of statements is the otherfunction that we are carrying outKeywords: Energy Meter, Electric Panel, UARTS, IOT, GSM, Wi-Fi, the webpag